We live in a stressed-out and technology-driven world, and as a result it
is becoming increasingly essential to unplug and carve out some
essential ‘me-time'. And what better way to do that than with a relaxing and rejuvenating hot stone massage therapy session?
For an introduction to this indulgent relaxation technique, keep on
Believed to have originated in East Asia over 2,000 years ago, hot stone
massage can be found all over the world, and it is of course a hugely
popular treatment at Hot Stone Spa.
During hot stone massage therapy, our masseuse applies regular manual
massage practices such as long strokes, circular movements, vibration,
tapping and kneading to warm you up and ensure you are in a delightful
state of relaxation. This is then combined with using flat and smooth
heated stones.
These stones are made from a kind of volcanic lava rock called basalt,
which is renowned for its incredible ability to retain heat, and they are
placed in hot water prior to your massage to make sure they are warm
enough to loosen tired muscles along with aromatic essential oils.
The hot stones are then placed directly on to certain trigger points on
your body where there may be tension, such as:
The face
The shoulders
Hands and fingers
Along the spine (a popular spot!)
The stomach
Back of the thighs
Back of the calves
Feet and toes
Cold stones can also be applied after the hot stones to help cool down hot
skin, and alleviate enlarged blood vessels.
Used as an extension of the masseuse’s own hands, the heat gets deeper
into the tissues, delivering the ultimate relaxing sensation.
Some great side effects of hot stone massage therapy include relief of
both pain and stress, reduced muscle tension, increased lymphatic
drainage, more joint flexibility, and better sleep.
Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?
To take a look at our prices and book an unforgettable hot stone massage
therapy session you won’t forget, click here.